Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
- FRIENDS -in a distance
I'll try to write about my friends, today.
They have the dream and are always holding out.
ThatIt especially talks about sven this time.He had been working for one year at Japan last year.
He achieved the mission in Japan for one year. I respect him.
When we meets he was laughing and felt shy always a little though he did not speak a lot. However I like him!
Today is Sven's Birthday ! Happy birthday Sven☆
Look at right,please!
It's a crane made from paper. That is presented it to me when we say to universal studio Japan last year from Sven. I was very glad. This is my important treasure! I always thinking... want to meet the go him to Norway again I am a day when. Thank you and, I want to say him..,
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I went to Osaka to see live of the friend today. Kenji who is friend from junior high school student's time I was.
His performance was looked before an one and a half years.
I was able to spend good time by the expression's of the song having extended more than the last time. He talked his thinks. I heard and thought about another thing by hearing the story,,, and was able to arrange its situation a little!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
THANK You ! Memories...
I have a question, you today!
Do you want to have returned in the past if there is a time machine?
The person will occasionally want to regret the failing thing when alive and to do over again.
Person at time of happy memories in childhood and important person whom cannot be met even if it wants to meet again.
We are not good at the thing that returns in the past.
We must see ahead even if there is a painful thing and advance previously. What thought that we lost has not disappeared. We are the advancing things and have a new meeting at a new chance!
Therefore, it is persuaded to the preparation and me of the following happy thing though I have a painful thing.Thank you memoryies....
Saturday, February 10, 2007
How precious Did that...
Listen,please! The normal temperature seems to go up in the world, and to have happened the Global warming phenomenon...
I went to a walk with Mr.hahn yesterday.
He has a lot of work now, and did the explanation to me. …However, because it was very a rapid speaking, it was not possible to understand so much... It shortly walked long at this time for two hours.
We were possible to talk after a long time with him at long time. I was able to spend very good time though I became tired. I wish to express my gratitude to him. And, I pray for the thing that his work succeeds!
I met other peson who encouraged me everytime, today.
I was being preached well by him. However, he was seen me well and existed. I was praised today. ………It was glad!!!
--皆様こんにちは! ---
今日、私はある人と話しをしました。数えたらもう10年来のお付き合いになるのかな・・・・?凄く長いですね。ここまで、良くして下さって感謝しています。でも、その間色々な事もありました。「話しかけるな」と言われた時期も有りました。 けれど、それには訳がありその人も辛かったのです…
もし、その人が本当に大切なら、その人を想うなら…その人と関係を続けようと思うなら 人間、待つ事もまんざら悪い事ではないでしょう・・・。
さぁ あなたもがんばって!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
What's going on your daily life??
Today's subject is 5th "W"...
How are you doing now and all right?
I'm not so bad!…because I have a lot of friends!It's you!
Therefore, it doesn't live firmly in every day!
I often walking. I like take a walk. Because various roads can be discovered, and scenery different from usually is seen. The best reason is that the recreation can be done...
It is the end of March to understand the result of the examination. Meanwhile, I plan to start studying to take the qualification of child care woker to expand the width of the employment. Fighting spirits!!
Next !
Let's write my recent life. Now I have one mission.
It's a...
We should sing in front of the person a lot next Saturday. There is a Korean tune in that, too. Therefore, we memorize the word every day...!!
さて私はと言うと、今は韓国語の歌を覚えるので必死です。。。 とても緊張しています(@_@;;)2月17日に歌う事になりました。私は歌の経験がまるでないので、いつもテンパってます トホホ 周りの子達は平気みたいですが当日300人以上が集まるそうで・・・果たしてどうなるのでしょうか!!?
後日、その様子を書きます (`_´ゝ