Today's subject is 5th "W"...
How are you doing now and all right?
I'm not so bad!…because I have a lot of friends!It's you!
Therefore, it doesn't live firmly in every day!
I often walking. I like take a walk. Because various roads can be discovered, and scenery different from usually is seen. The best reason is that the recreation can be done...
It is the end of March to understand the result of the examination. Meanwhile, I plan to start studying to take the qualification of child care woker to expand the width of the employment. Fighting spirits!!
Next !
Let's write my recent life. Now I have one mission.
It's a...
We should sing in front of the person a lot next Saturday. There is a Korean tune in that, too. Therefore, we memorize the word every day...!! みなさん、元気ですか?
さて私はと言うと、今は韓国語の歌を覚えるので必死です。。。 とても緊張しています(@_@;;)2月17日に歌う事になりました。私は歌の経験がまるでないので、いつもテンパってます トホホ 周りの子達は平気みたいですが当日300人以上が集まるそうで・・・果たしてどうなるのでしょうか!!?
後日、その様子を書きます (`_´ゝ
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