Monday, December 11, 2006


Today was a sunny day...

I went to Amagasaki station to serve for homeless today.
About 97 people came there.

The stuff whoes members are two young guy one women and tree middle men and me.
We arrived here before tree o'clock to ready (boil water and open to paccage nude, and meke up easy servingplace) there.
We prepared gave a rise ball, instant nudle and hot tea for them.

It was not such a cold today. However, the temperature has been lowering gradually when the sun sets. And, it was felt that it was cold....

There is a house to which it returns when I feel that it is cold.
However, there is a person that in them, there is no bed to sleep today, too.

It is possible to talk about the thing that I can do with them and to distribute food only.
Maybe It activity is a very small thing....

However, the person who is counting on our provisions is in the presence to live in today,
Therefore, I am continuing this volunteer work!


Henriksn said...

How wonderfull! Good job - keep it up:)-
Here in Norway we are still waiting for snow...
Marry Christmas to you!

kazu said...

Thanks Henrik-sensei!

I don't know how to help other people,the love neigber yet.

It's warm already in December in Japan.. God jule for you too!