Saturday, December 16, 2006

KIDS' CLUB in **Christmas**

It's a party of chrch school that neme of "KIDS' CLUB" today.

close eyes and cross the arms and pray....

Sing a, holy night and pika-pika

Pt.Straume said
"why we celebleat chrismass and what is that?"

They answerd ""It's give me plesent! or "that party tme!"Nobody say jesus's birth(comeing) day

"→,John tells for them about jesus come and X'mas.

The telling is tinking me for Jesus christ basic...

That is a plesent time!

what's in saide....?

"God jule!!"


Saxofonmannen™ said...

God jul!

kazu said...

Takke på skrivet!

God jul og godt nyytår ågso!