Today, I went to Osaka and saw
film "ゲド戦記(Earth sea)".
It's a better than my expectation.
All of the people and animal
and more are die without fail.
So we have to alive in this time...
I feel "Peple are aliveing suport
with each other "
This movie is made for a man
who is son of "Miyazaki Hayao"
Miyazaki is very famous animater in Japan.
I read this in past time,maybe at homework.
I think so.we have to suport each other.I want to be a peasceful world!!
Thanks nice comment Yuka-san.
I think "people aren't alive themselve,who been albe to done helped by so many other people."
"Mennnesket lever ikke bare av brød (Matteus4.4)"
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